Detective Chief Superintendent Ken McKay specialises in the conduct, leadership and management of large-scale major crime investigations. He is a specialist in the establishment of Squads and Specialist Units and has commanded the South East Asian Organised Crime Squad, The Drug Squad, The Gangs Squad, the Property Crime Squad and the Middle Eastern Organised Crime Squad.
He was a key speaker at this conference that was funded by corporate interests in the security industry
Senior Constable David Christie, team leader, Security Intelligence Team, Counter Terrorist Co-ordination Command, NSW Police
This session will identify a number of different groups and the ideologies of issue and politically motivated activists.
·Get involved in the case study, Lessons from the past - 2005 Forbes global CEO conference
·Understand the nexus between activists and the staging of major events in Australia, such as the Asia Pacific Economic cooperation (APEC) to be held at a number of locations throughout Australia during 2007
·Discover what are the new strategies being used to enter into dialogue with organisers, public order management and security planners
Not much of a distance from his racial profiling days and being a racist to profiling and oppressing activists
Friday 10 March 2006
Media, Police, and Politicians Stir Race Pot Again
by Dr. Ali-Paul White
Source: Muslims For Peace
They're at it again. Strike Force Enoggera boss, Detective Superintendent Ken McKay, has accused Sydney's Arabic-speaking community of 'hiding thugs'. In a statement by him in today's press (10 March 2006), Superintendent McKay berates all Arabs: 'The Middle Eastern community has to understand if they want to live in this society, the only way the police can operate is with community help', adding: If that doesn't happen it will all turn to rubbish'.
Superintendent McKay claims to believe that Sydney's Arab-Australians have the capacity to miraculously identify faces in grainy CC-TV footage taken at night. After all, they're Arabs, too! By the same twisted logic, the Superintendent ought to be able to identify each and every one of the elusive racist Cronulla thugs; after all, Superintendent McKay was born and bred in the Shire of Cronulla!
An excellent rundown of increased powers for state and federal police
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Police : "Testing The Power To Arrest Anybody"
Coming on the back of a flurry of alarming stories about police and state and federal governments pushing for new powers to enter homes without warrants to plant surveillance devices and monitor any and all internet activity; of new laws that will allow police to conduct full body searches on anybody they don't like the look of during September's APEC conference; detaining possible "troublemakers" during APEC in a fleet of "mobile prison" buses, and the more recent detention of a suspect who was held without charge for twelve days and then released, without charge, this "accidental" e-mail release could not have come at a worse time.
This morning, the Sydney Morning Herald received an e-mail that stated, ominously :
"Testing the power to arrest anybody".
Naturally, the NSW police claim this was all a big "mistake".
Perhaps so, but the explanation offered up to the Herald makes the "mistake" sound like anything but :
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