I direct my gaze towards my sacred mountains – Taiarahia,
Maungapohatu, Tongariro and Taupiri. I look towards my river Waikato –
at every bend a taniwha.
To the high chief King Heitia, to the families, subtribes, the mother,
to my connections with Waikato and Te Arawa
To the families, subtribes and tribes throughout the land from Cape
Reinga to Murihiku (Stewart Island), to the Maori MPs, greetings to
you all. The dark cloud over the Urewera has covered the ancient
garments of Hinepokohurangi (the mist maiden – traditional tribal
ancestor for Tuhoe). The gnashing teeth are gnawing at the limited
powers of the authority of Tuhoe and the Maori people.
Guns and laws have arrived to terrify the Tuhoe people, their mana
motuhake (sovereignty) and that of all Maori.
To my relations the high chiefs of Waikato and Tuwharetoa, to all
families and subtribes everywhere, to the Maori MPs and to the workers
of the world – remain on the path of support and assistance to the
Tuhoe people of the Urewera and of all Maori.
Mauri ora (the spirit of life)
By – Tame Wairere Iti
From the territory of Manaipoto - Waikeria
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