He karanga tenei ki nga hau e wha
Hei tautoko i te iwi Moemoea no Ahiterairia.
Na te mahi whakaware o te Kawanatanga me nga Kaporeihana e whai putea
ana e whai raupatu ana, kei te noho whakawhuia nga tangata whenua
he pouri tenei ahuatanga me kaati ra
Ko te tohenga ma ratou te iwi Moemoea ki te whai i ou ratou ake tino
rangatiratanga kia hapaitia e ratou te mana motuhake kia kaha ake kia
whawhai tonu
na reira
Tautoko atu a wairua, a hinengaro, a tinana hoki
Kaati noa ra, ko tenei te wa ki te tu rangatira, tu kotahi i te kawau
maro, o tenei kaupapa.
Kia ora whanau
The first roopu to endorse this rally from Aotearoa are:
Te Ata Tino Toa
Conscious Collaborations-Global indigenous network
Mana Wahine
Solidarity Union
Socialist Worker (Aotearoa)
If your roopu, group or collective (from Aotearoa) would like to add
their tautoko for this rally please mail me asap uriohau(at)gmail.com.
Much thanks to Tia Taurere & crew for the shout out in te reo.
In Struggle & Solidarity
Respect & Regards to all
Sina Ana Brown-Davis
(Te Roroa, Te Uri o Hau, Ngapuhi, Fale Ula & Vava'u)
Please circulate to all of your networks NOW!
National Day of Action — Kulin Nations (Melbourne)
Stop the Genocide on Stolen Aboriginal Land!
End Aboriginal deaths in Custody! Justice for Mulrunji and all killed
in custody. Implement the recommendations of the Royal Commission into
Aboriginal Deaths in Custody!
Land rights not mining rights! No new mines, no new dumps!
Fund community controlled services, not troops, cops and martial law!
Social well-fair, not social control!
Aboriginal control of Aboriginal affairs! Treaty NOW!
Solidarity Rally
Saturday 14 July, 12:30 pm
City Square, corner of Swanston and Collins Streets
For more information:
David Dryden: 0419-662-812
Cheryl Kaulfuss: 0401-806-331
Kanga Menzies: 0429-860-006
ISJA – Melb: 9388-0062
Initial endorsements: Australia Asia Workers Links, Black GST, Camp
Sovereignty, Chilean Popular and Indigenous Network, Conscious
Collaborations-Global indigenous network, Freedom Socialist Party,
Indigenous Social Justice Association – Melbourne, Lasnet, Ongoing G20
Arrestees Solidarity Network, Radical Women, Resistance, RMIT Student
Union, Socialist Alliance, Socialist Alternative, Socialist Worker
(Aotearoa),Solidarity Union, Te Ata Tino Toa, Your Voice (list in
progress. To add your endorsement e-mail Alison -
alison.thorne@... or call Solidarity Salon on 9388-0062)
Come to the next organising meeting
Wednesday 4 July, 6:30 pm
Solidarity Salon
580 Sydney Road
Solidarity Salon is opposite Hope Street. By public transport take and
Upfied train and walk north up Sydney Road from Brunswick or South
from Anstey. Or take a North Coburg tram and get off at Blythe Street
and walk north or Stewart Street and walk south. There's also plenty
of free parking available at the rear. Enter from Staley Street.
Please also encourage friends and contacts overseas to take action on
14 July in support of these demands!
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