
Morgan Godfrey comments on Tuku Morgan

Same old tuku tarau he's just another authoritarian Maori 'leader' who hates being held accountable....to anybody. I'm Impressed with Morgan Godfery his comments about Tuku being bound to the ideology of privitisation showed more insight & intelligence than the Maori media hacks that interviewed him.

Check out Morgans blog Maui Street & a huge shout out to all the other Maori bloggers out their giving voice to the unheard our flaxroots.

More here about tuku selling out to private prison companies & facilitating the expansion of the prison industrial complex in Aotearoa.

Tainui supports privately managed prisons

Corporate Iwi: Doing business with human rights abusers

Iwi Capitalists provide brownwash for prison privitisation in NZ

The idea is that iwi, or groupings of iwi, or iwi-private joint ventures will invest in parts of the country's infrastructure, such as hospitals, schools, prisons and roads, through Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) with the government. This has become more of a reality because the National-led government has made it clear it is more amenable to this type of arrangement than the previous government. 


Tainui chair Tukoroirangi Morgan says Tainui will put its hat into the ring to run private prisons.

Tuku Morgan says the government's announcement to allow private companies to run prisons will offer Maori opportunities to invest, manage and own infrustructural development.... See More

He says this is something Tainui believes is critical for long term sustainability and a matter he has personally taken up with prime minister John Key.

“At Waitangi I was part of the presentation to the Prime Minister including the deputy PM pushing the issue of public private developments. We think it is an intelligent approach by iwi to get involved in important infrastructural development,” Mr Morgan says

Tainui chair Tukoroirangi Morgan says Tainui will put its hat into the ring to run private prisons.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tuku is a bum.

Why don't Waikato give him the big boot?