- stop violence and unnecessary deaths now!
Honoring our fallen brothers and sisters victims of the Bagua massacre of June 5 and 6, 2009.
Our condolences go to the people of Peru, to the relatives, friends and communities of the Indigenous activists who were killed in a tragic event that should have never occurred.
Thursday June 11, 2009
GPO Corner Bourke & Elizabeth Sts.
Melbourne - City
Latin American Solidarity Network (LASNET)
More Info call Sue Leigh 0466 480 331
or write to lasnet@latinlasnet.org
Endorsed by; Chilean Popular & Indigenous Solidarity Network, Colombia Demand Justice Campaign, Alliance for Indigenous Self-Determination, Anarchist Black Cross, City of Yarra Community and Workers Solidarity, Apolinario Serrano FMLN Committee Melbourne, more endorses waiting and welcome
"Amazon Indigenous peoples are not first class citizens in Peru"
Peru's president Alan Garcia, justifying his attacks on civilians using snipers and bombs, which has caused between 35 to 85 deaths and hundred of injured and disapears.
PLEASE ORGANISE A PROTEST AT Peru Consulates, Embassy or
anywhere you think is posible in Australia
The message is simple: stop genocide, stop violence, respect human rights, avoid useless casualties, promote dialogue and respect Indigenous peoples rights in Peru, stop using U.S. free trade policies to destroy the lives of millions of peoples in Peru, promote popular democracy, peace, justice, self-determination, dignity and equality.
Contact the government of Peru
Demand to cease the State of Emergency and martial laws that are a threat to other communities that are still protesting. Demand the end of violence against Indigenous peoples of the Amazon and Andean regions, to restore peace and to restart dialogue so Indigenous peoples can keep their lands and the environment can be protected.
Send a Message to the President of Peru:
President of the Council of Ministers of Peru, Yehude Simon Munaro
ysimon@pcm.gob.pe / Fax +51 1- 716- 87-35
President of the Congress of Peru, Javier Velásquez-Quesquén
Embassy of Peru in Australia:
Public Ombudsman Office of Peru
Contact the UN and OAS human rights organizations
UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances
UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom expression
United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
IACHR Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
ACHR Rapporteur on the Right to Freedom of Expression
Talking points
Few minutes of your time can make a huge difference!
Indigenous peoples rights must be respected by Peru, included in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, adopted in 2007.
The right of consultations with Indigenous peoples is included at the ILO 169 Convention. This must be done with respect and honest intention of defending the rights of all Peruvian citizens and not only the interests of multinational corporations.
This massacre is a direct result of an abusive implementation of policies included in the US-Peru Free Trade Agreement, by Peru’s president Alan Garcia who used it as an instrument of corporate corruption and collusion in the genocide of the Indigenous peoples.
The Peruvian government is presenting this tragedy as if it was caused by the Native peoples, which is not truth. Amazonian peoples protested without violence for almost 2 months, until the Police attacked them. All the casualties are unjustified and should have never happened.
The Peruvian media which is mostly biased and controlled by the government and corporate interests, is reporting that Police officers were kidnapped and massacred by the Indigenous peoples, but is not reporting about the abusive attack on civilians, and snipers and helicopters shooting at civilians including children. Witnesses have said that dead bodies were burned down and thrown to the rivers, and that police prevented civilians from rescuing injured protesters.
In the last 56 days, Amazonian Indigenous peoples of Peru are fighting to protect their territories, as the government of Lima has passed decrees that lease 73% of the Amazon forest and allow extractive industries corporations to take over their land, without previous consultation. The Amazonian peoples are requesting especifically for Lima to repeal those decrees.
Indigenous peoples do not oppose progress and private investment. They want to protect their land, their families and the environment, they want for corporations to respect their traditions and ways of living.
There have been years of protests since the signing of the Peru FTA by then presidents George W. Bush and Alejandro Toledo. Indigenous peoples have tried to dialogue, but the Lima government refused to listen and even prevented a national referendum in 2006.
As a way to protest and demand to be heard, the Amazon Indigenous peoples started popular strikes, oil facilities takeovers and road blockades in 8 regions of the country. This was replied by the Garcia administration by sending police and military forces to repress the protesters violently. People in Bagua responded burning down government buildings and lootings have also occurred.
Indigenous peoples value the land as a part of a our system of life, we don't own the land but we belong to it. There will not be a way for the government of Peru to impose its corporate benefiting laws because Indigenous people will defend their territories.
After the recent bloody attack, violence has slowed as today Sunday June 7. The military has taken over control of the region in conflict, but Lima has issued a warrant arrest for Alberto Pizango, the most prominent leader of the Amazon Indigenous peoples and his whereabouts are unknown at this moment.
Unfortunately, other leaders are also being prosecuted by the government and there is a possibility of future attacks of the military on other Indigenous communities. WE MUST ACT NOW!
UPDATES: links to stay updated with the current situation in Peru:
[Eng] English [Esp] Spanish
Asociación Interétnica de Desarrollo de la Selva Peruana – AIDESEP is the leading Amazon Indigenous peoples rights organization in Peru. [Esp]
Coordinadora Andina de Organizaciones Indigenas - CAOI [Esp]
Amazon Watch - a non profit working directly with Amazon peoples in strike: [Eng]
Enlance Nacional – an independent internet news channel in Peru with correspondents in the Bagua region. [Esp]
Servindi - Indigenous news from Peru. [Esp]
Facebook group "Solidarity with Peru / Solidaridad con Perú / Solidarité avec Pérou"
Q'orianka Kilcher On-Q Initiative:
Mp3 Interview with Indigenous leader Tupac Enrique Acosta who just returned from Peru:
Peruanista - a bilingual blog about Peru, written in the U.S. with translations of news coming from the emergency regions. [Esp] [Eng]
Freshman Senators Stand Against Modified NAFTA Expansion Politics of Pushing Trade Agreements Reflected in Peru Trade Vote of New Members. [Eng]
Twenty one organizations of Immigrant rights advocates, unions, civil rights and faith-based organizations signed a letter to the US Congress opposing the US-Peru FTA and warning of threats to Indigenous peoples and the Amazon forest. [Eng]
Trade Deal with Peru Fails to Measure Up for Development. [Eng]
Please send this information
Forward this to all your contacts, we are trying to spread the word and raise awareness.
In defense of life, human rights and our mother earth
we demand respect for the rights of the Indigenous peoples and for the preservation of our planet!
VIDEOS of Peru's civil war - guerra civil peruana
VIDEO - Conspiración internacional: respondiendo a Alan García y la televisión manipulada de Lima
VIDEO solidaridad en EEUU con indígenas amazónicos de Perú: “no se rindan ustedes tienen la razón”
ALAN GARCIA MUST RESIGN: criminal poised to continue Indigenous slaughter and disintegrate Peru
ALAN GARCÍA DEBE RENUNCIAR: criminal continuará masacre indígena y desintegrará la nación peruana
U.S. ACTION ALERT IN SOLIDARITY WITH THE PEOPLE OF PERU - stop violence and unnecessary deaths now!
Analyzing Aldo Mariategui racist mastermind or the Simon Romero's reference in the massacre of Peru
ALERTA: Masacre en Perú - Polioy – escribe al Presidente y Congreso
Monday, June 8, 2009
VIDEOS of Peru's civil war - guerra civil peruana
Beware, these videos are extremely graphic. Just in case you thought that we were exaggerating. This is racist genocide. Was this necessary? Were these the barbaric savages that Alan Garcia was referring to? Was this part of the U.S. military presence in Ayacucho, bringing "humanitarian" help? Most importantly, Why is president Obama still silent? Why is the U.S. government allowing this? After all these people are dying because of the damned U.S.- Peru Free Trade Agreement. Talk about change and hope, Mr. President!
Alan Garcia genocidal, resign already! Alan Garcia genocida, ya renuncia! .
VIDEO - Conspiración internacional: respondiendo a Alan García y la televisión manipulada de Lima
El descalificado presidente peruano ha dicho que las protestas indígenas son producto de una conspiración internacional. Andrew Miller de la ONG Amazon Watch explica los motivos de la protesta de los indígenas amazónicos y andinos de Perú, y responde a mentiras del gobierno peruano y la prensa manipulada de Lima. Este video lo hice luego de la vigilia en la Embajada de Perú en Washington, DC, el viernes 5 de enero de 2009, en protesta contra la violencia genocida y racista del gobierno de Alan García, y en solidaridad con los indígenas amazónicos y andinos de Perú.
Mientras tanto, anuncian protesta en Australia!
Solidarity Action demo/protest for Amazonia Indigenous Peoples in Perú Thursday June 11, 12:30pm GPO City, Corner of Bourke and Elizabeth Streets City - Melbourne Bring banners, placards, flags, music instruments, anything to make solidarity noise Call initiated by Latin American Solidarity Network (LASNET), endorses are welcome write to: lasnet@latinlasnet.org
Basta de violencia, no más muertes ni desaparecidos.
Mientras tanto en Lima...
VIDEO solidaridad en EEUU con indígenas amazónicos de Perú: “no se rindan ustedes tienen la razón”
"Alan García se tiene que disculpar con todos los peruanos y dialogar con los indígenas peruanos" "El TLC con México y EEUU ha causado perdidas de territorios a pueblos indígenas mexicanos y el TLC con Perú es muy parecido, va a perjudicar a los indígenas peruanos" "El gobierno peruano debe aprender de la historia" "Que los pueblos indígenas no se rindan porque ellos tienen la razón" "Gobierno de Perú debe respetar las leyes" "Estamos tristes y angustiados por los pueblos indígenas pero gracias por su lucha porque están protegiendo a todos cuidando el ultimo pulmón del mundo"
Este video muestra imágenes de la vigilia realizada en la Embajada de Perú en Washington, DC, el viernes 5 de enero de 2009 el mismo día de la matanza de Bagua. Esta protesta es contra la violencia genocida y racista del gobierno de Alan García, y en solidaridad con los indígenas amazónicos y andinos de Perú. Basta de violencia, no más muertes ni desaparecidos. Hoy comienza una jornada semanal de protestas en las embajadas de Perú en el mundo, y de acciones de apoyo a los pueblos amazónicos de Perú. No están solos hermanos indígenas, la lucha continua. .
ALAN GARCIA MUST RESIGN: criminal poised to continue Indigenous slaughter and disintegrate Peru
Thursday June 11, 2009
12:30 pm
GPO Corner Bourke & Elizabeth Sts.
Melbourne - City
More Info call Sue Leigh 0466 480 331
or write to lasnet@latinlasnet.org
1 comment:
Thanks for sharing this great article! That is very interesting Smile I love reading and I am always searching for informative information like this
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