
Blockade on Road to Lake Tyers Aboriginal Trust WILL CONTINUE


Blockade on Road to Lake Tyers Aboriginal Trust WILL CONTINUE The BLOCKADE AT THE ENTRANCE OF LAKE TYERS ABORIGINAL TRUST TO STOP MANAGERS AND GOVERNMENT FROM ENTERING ABORIGINAL LAND WILL CONTINUE until our right to manage our own affairs and control our own destiny is recognized according to the UN Declaration on Indigenous peoples

On Tuesday evening Lake Tyers residents and shareholders met with representatives of the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Aboriginal Affairs Victoria. They requested that the management and workers be allowed to come back to work or they would stop the funding.

We feel that we are being put down and threatened. We have no rights and want to exercise our right of self-determination according to the UN Declaration on Indigenous People which will enable us to control and own lives and destiny. Our elders fought for the land so that Aboriginal people at Lake Tyers could live without government control of our lives and live with dignity and respect.

Government whose policies on us have once again failed and are AGAIN dictating us. We the shareholders, residents and supporters of the Lake Tyers Aboriginal Trust request the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs, the Honorable Jeanette Powell to STOP the control by the state government by removing the Administrator and handing control of our own affairs back to us. The interim committee will be reinstated to negotiate on our behalf to resolve this situation.

Contact: (E) latessa2006@yahoo.com


Unknown said...

Support your struggle. Good luck & stay strong together.

Anonymous said...

Well ... it seems to me that reclaiming your land is the only way to go. Even Barbara McDougall admitted that - the government doesn't act on land claims unless there are people inconvenienced. I like the concept of LEGAL blockades on June 29, where treaties have been broken and thus forfeit